Intelligent Signal Display

Intelligent Signal Display (ISD) is the next evolution in waveform display technology. ISD waveforms provide a more detailed and informative editing interface. A more detailed interface saves time for Sound Editors by reducing the need to zoom in and zoom out repetitively.

Click on the ISD button below to turn ISD on and off. Slide the Zoom fader to zoom in on the waveform. Notice how ISD continues to provide an improved shaded waveform at any zoom scale.

Music Example Vocals Example
This interactive example waveform shows the song 'Music Sounds Better With You' by 'Stardust'.
(see the film clip here on youtube - listen to a preview on amazon here).
This is a vocal example sung by Caroline Taylor. The interface zooms in on the third line of vocals.

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Rated so far by 34 people with an average rating of 7.8


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ISD Features:

  • Intuitive and Easy to Read - waveforms look like their zoomed in equivalents, requiring very little learning curve to read.
  • Efficient Analysis - requires very little processing overhead.
  • Support for wide range of zoom scales - ISD provides an enhanced waveform at any zoom scale. It does not suffer from poor time domain resolution typical of more complex analysis methods (like those used in spectrograms, for example).
  • Shaded in a single color - users are not prevented from using color to organize regions of sound in large multi-track projects.
  • Adjustable shading - the shading can easily be adjust to be more or less sensitive to high frequencies, or low frequencies.
  • Anti-aliased waveforms - adds detail to small sized waveforms.
  • Hardware Rendering support - waveforms can be rendered right on the graphics card, consuming less CPU time.
  • High resolution overviews - waveforms are accurate right down to -100dBFs, meaning that overviews are still useful for soft signals, eg: breaths in dialogue, or reverb tails.


ISD is patent pending in Australia, USA, and in other regions.